Protected No Claim Discount

Important information about Protected No Claim Discount for Direct Line for Business commercial van insurance customers.

About Protected No Claim Discount

No claim discount (NCD) protection does not protect the overall price of your insurance policy. The price of your insurance policy may increase following an accident even if you were not at fault.

NCD protection allows you to make one or more claims before your number of NCD years falls. Please see the step-back procedures for details.

The tables below show: (i) the average NCD discount awarded to Direct Line for Business van insurance policyholders last year according to their number of NCD years; and (ii) what would happen to your NCD years if you were to make one or more claims before your next renewal date with and without this protection.

Number of Years No Claims Discount Average NCD in 2023
1 23%
2 33%
3 43%
4 47%
5 50%
6 53%
7 56%
8 59%
9 62%

This assumes no mirrored NCD.

Step-back process

If you have NCD protection included, your NCD years will not be affected if one claim is made against your policy before your next renewal date. If you do not have NCD protection your NCD years will reduce to 2 or 3 years (depending on the number of NCD years you begin with) in the event of a claim made against your policy before your next renewal date. A more detailed explanation of what will happen to your NCD in the event of a claim or several claims is included in the table below. Please refer to the relevant row according to your number of NCD years.

Current number of years NCD No Claim Discount at next renewal date without NCD Protection No Claim Discount at next renewal date with NCD Protection
1 claim before your next renewal date 2 claims before your next renewal date 3 claims before your next renewal date 1 claim before your next renewal date 2 claims before your next renewal date 3 claims before your next renewal date
Four years NCD Two years Nil Nil Four years Two years Nil
Five years NCD Three years One year Nil Five years Three years One year
Six years NCD Three years One year Nil Six years Three years One year
Seven years NCD Three years One year Nil Seven years Three years One year
Eight years NCD Three years One year Nil Eight years Three years One year
Nine or more years NCD Three years One year Nil Nine or more years Three years One year