Residential, commercial and mixed use

Declaration & Important statements

You and your business

You, your business or its subsidiary companies meet all of your legal obligations as a landlord.

Refer to the relevant Government websites to understand your full legal liabilities i.e. A few examples depending on how the property is used are below. Evidence of these will need to be provided if asked for:

  • 'Right to Rent' checks undertaken (in England)
  • Fire risk assessments or compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
  • Working smoke alarm on each floor of the residential property and working carbon monoxide detectors in rooms with a coal fire or wood burning stove
  • Satisfactory current electrical installation inspection report for the property
  • Residential property let under an assured shorthold tenancy or similar, you retain a copy of the following documents given to new tenants before they move in:
    1. 'How to Rent' Leaflet
    2. A valid Gas Safety Certificate
    3. Energy Performance Certificate
    4. Copy of Tenancy Agreement
    5. Copy of the Deposit Scheme & prescribed information if a deposit taken

About your properties

Your property(ies):

  • do not require any repair or refurbishment to make them secure or watertight and will be so maintained (this means the property(ies) are maintained, free of defects, damage and do not need repair, are water tight with no evidence of water ingress, rot or damp and are secure with all lockable doors and windows fully operational);
  • are not Grade 1 Listed in England and Wales, Category A in Scotland, Grade A in Northern Ireland, or the equivalent within the Channel Islands and Isle of Man;
  • are not and will not be:
    • sub-let;
    • occupied as half way houses or bedsits;
    • let to asylum seekers, housing associations or Local Authorities;
  • for commercial properties only, are not located:
    • in or on airports or aerodromes,
    • within a nuclear installation.

Previous insurance and criminal convictions

This information will be used for this quote only.

If you are answering on another person's behalf, we assume you have permission to do so - please let us know if you do not.

The following Important Statements apply in any personal or business capacity.

Based on the knowledge of any senior management and anyone involved in arranging the insurance after making a reasonable search, we assume that any proposer (as a company or individual including any decision makers involved in how the business's activities are to be managed or organised), director or partner of the business (or of its subsidiary companies not otherwise excluded), either personally or in any business capacity have not:

  • ever been charged with (but not yet tried) or convicted of any criminal offences excluding motoring offences and offences that are spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and subsequent amendments to that Act.

    You can click here to check whether your conviction is spent or unspent using an independent third party. We do not see the results.
  • in the last 5 years been declared bankrupt or been the subject of bankruptcy proceedings, an Administrative Receivership, a Company or Partnership or Individual Voluntary Arrangement, a Debt Relief Order, an Administration Order, a Compulsory Liquidation, a Creditors' Voluntary Liquidation, a Winding Up Order or any equivalents in Scotland or Northern Ireland.
  • in the last 5 years had a policy voided
  • in the last 5 years had an insurance policy cancelled where a cancellation clause has been invoked
  • in the last 5 years had a renewal declined
  • in the last 5 years had special terms imposed by an insurer
  • in the last 5 years had a county court judgment or Scottish equivalent awarded against them

About your tenants

Your tenant(s) in residential properties.

Only those tenants who have signed the tenancy agreement for periods of six months or more will live at the residential property or residential portion of the property unless they are:

  • members of the same family
  • the partner of the tenant
  • people the tenant is the legal guardian for
  • a carer for you or persons stated above

Each new or renewing agreement must be signed by at least one tenant who is either:

  • employed (or have been in the last 6 months)
  • in full time education (or have been in the last 6 months)
  • retired
  • in receipt of disability benefit, Personal Independence Payment or carers allowance

Your tenant(s) in commercial properties:

You have signed rental agreements for periods of six months or more with each tenant occupying the commercial portions of the property.