Van insurance no claims bonus explained Van insurance no claims bonus explained You drive your van every day for work, but how much do you really know about the insurance discount building up while you're on the road?

Van insurance no claims bonus explained

smiling man driving van

Whether you drive your van for work or personal use, how much do you really know about the insurance discount building up while you're on the road? Like other insurance companies, we refer to it as No Claim Discount, but it's commonly known as a 'no claims bonus'. They're different terms for the same thing. Here we explain everything you need to know, including how you can prove your no claims bonus and what happens to your van insurance if you're involved in a non-fault accident.

What is a no claims bonus?

A no claims bonus is a reduction in the cost of your van insurance premium that is applied when you haven't made a claim for a specified amount of time. Its value is usually measured in years - for example, "three years' no claims bonus".

How can I build up my no claims bonus?

It's simple - every year that you're insured and don't make a claim, you earn another year's discount until you reach the maximum number of years you can get. You can only build a no claims bonus in whole years, so if you switch policies within 12 months, you won't necessarily earn any discount for that year.

How long does a no claims bonus last?

As long as you're still insured with the same provider, there isn't a no claims bonus expiry date. If, for some reason, you're not insured for two years or more, any no claims bonus you earned under your last insurance policy will usually be lost and you'll be back at zero the next time you take out cover.

Can I move my no claims bonus to another insurance provider?

Yes. If you find a better deal elsewhere and want to change providers, you can still keep your no claims bonus as long as you can prove how much you've built up.

a couple reviewing their finances in a kitchen using a laptop, with paperwork on a table

What can I use as proof of my no claims bonus?

Different insurance providers accept different documents, but usually a renewal notice, or cancellation letter is enough evidence of a no claims bonus. This will have probably been sent to you by your existing provider at your last renewal, but if not, you can ask for it.

How can I find out how many years' no claims bonus I have?

Your latest renewal document will say how many years' discount you've earned. Can't find it? Just give your provider a call and they'll be able to tell you.

Will a non-fault accident affect my insurance?

No, usually you don't have to worry if you have the details of the other person and vehicle involved, and your insurance company can recover the costs from their insurer. However, if the other person doesn't accept fault and the accident can't be proven, you might lose your no claims bonus. If the fault is still being investigated before you need to renew your insurance, it could temporarily affect your van insurance premium for the following year.

If you were at fault and a claim is made against you, your no claims bonus may be affected. The good news? Some insurers give you the option to pay more to partly protect it in these circumstances as long as you meet certain criteria, which could be being over a certain age, or have a minimum number of years with no claims.

How much no claims bonus you can keep will vary depending on how many years you've built up and how many claims you've made over a certain period. Regardless of whether you choose to protect it, if you're involved in an accident that you're liable for, your insurance premium will probably still go up.

Does windscreen replacement affect my no claims bonus?

No, windscreen replacement will not impact it.

If I add a named driver to my policy who has built up a no claims bonus, but I haven't, will this reduce the cost of my insurance, too?

No - the named driver's no claim history isn't used as a factor when calculating how much you'll pay or save.

Can I use a car no claims bonus on my van insurance?

Yes. We accept your no claims bonus if you earned it on a van, car or motorcycle, but it can only be used on one vehicle at a time. Find out more about our van insurance benefits.

Van Insurance

Last Updated: 24 Jul 2024