Cover up to £1,500 per call out, unlimited claims and no excess to pay.
Optional add-on. Can be added at new business or renewal for an additional cost. Residential properties only. Only insured emergencies are covered.
No landlord wants their tenants to feel unsafe or uncomfortable. If something goes wrong at your rented property and it becomes uninhabitable, you'll need to act fast to minimise the impact on your tenants.
Landlord emergency cover helps to offer peace of mind to landlords and tenants across the UK. You can use the online claims portal to register your emergency or call the 24-hour claims line.
Once on site the contractor will secure or prevent further damage to the property, whichever is most appropriate depending on the nature of the emergency. Extreme weather and remote locations may extend the response time.
The call-out charge, labour costs and materials required to prevent damage, or further damage, to the property will be covered up to £1500 (inc. VAT) per claim.
Contractors that aim to get to your property within a four-hour response time:
Contractors provided who aren't included in a four-hour response time:
Landlord emergency is an optional cover that can be added to residential landlord insurance when taking out new cover or at the point of renewal. You can't buy landlord emergency as a stand-alone policy, and it can't be added mid-term.
Your property must be in the UK and a residential let under a tenancy agreement of six months or more. The residential property or flat must have no more than 12 bedrooms.
Landlord emergency cover only applies to residential properties. As such, we won't cover insured emergencies relating to any commercial property or any commercial portion of a mixed-use premises.
The policy wording has the full terms and conditions, but the following key circumstances aren't covered:
If you believe the incident in your home could result in serious personal risk or substantial damage to the insured property, contact the fire, ambulance or police service.
If there is a gas leak, you should contact the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.
Contact your supplier if there is an emergency relating to a service such as the mains water or electricity supply.
Once you, your tenant or other authorised person has checked that the emergency is an insured incident, it's important that you contact our landlord emergency cover provider DAS via the online claims portal or by calling 0800 197 1016, as soon as possible. They'll ask the claimant to confirm:
Whoever is calling will be advised not to arrange for a contractor themselves because this won't be covered by the policy. DAS will also advise the claimant not to start any work that hasn't been agreed to in advance.
Someone aged 18 or over must be at the property when the approved contractor arrives.
Once the claim is accepted, DAS will arrange, and pay for, a contractor to attend the property with the aim of resolving the insured emergency. The contractor will either:
Once the claim is accepted, we'll always try to get to the property as soon as possible. However, it may take longer during bad weather conditions, and it may not always be possible if the weather could put the contractor in danger while undertaking their repairs. For instance, high winds may restrict a roofer from carrying out repairs, and damp electrics may pose a risk to an electrician.
Where necessary, there will be an attempt to provide replacement parts, but Direct Line for Business Landlord insurance cannot be held responsible if these are delayed or unavailable.
Claims relating to Landlord Emergency are administered and managed by DAS on our behalf.
If you add a residential property to your policy mid-term (not at the point of taking out or renewing your policy), it won't be covered for an insured incident occurring in the first seven days of the property being added.
The property will be covered for an insured emergency occurring after the first seven days of the property being added, subject to the standard policy terms, conditions and exclusions.